Aqualyx Fat Dissolving

Aqualyx fat dissolving injections are used to remove the stubborn fat from the chin, face, love handles, bra fat, thighs, hips, stomach, and other body parts. This non-surgical fat removal technique is great for people who want to get rid of unwanted body fat and get into the right shape.


Microneedling therapy is a treatment that involves the insertion of tiny needles into the upper layers of the skin to stimulate skin repair.

ZO Advanced Facial Treatments

Our ZO ® Advanced Medical Facials are summer safe and include the famous ZO stimulator peel. Each facial is customised to create lasting changes through extensively researched

Platelet Rich Plasma Treatment

Platelet Rich Plasma commonly referred as “PRP’ therapy, harnesses the body’s own healing powers to stimulate new tissue growth, giving a healthy appearance to many areas of concern.

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels can help in improving skin appearance using a chemical solution. It removes the dead skin cells which are causing dull skin.

Aquagold Fine Touch

Feed and nourish your skin with this supercharged micro-infusion Aquagold facial with a blend of specially selected ingredients! Expertly tailored for the ultimate personalised facial experience. Treat yourself to a luxury 24 carat gold facial. 

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