What is Microneedling?

Microneedling therapy is a treatment that involves the insertion of tiny needles into the upper layers of the skin to stimulate skin repair. We have microneedling treatments for acne, stretch marks, hair loss, and scarring. In the UK, skin microneedling treatments have been a popular method for improving the appearance of acne scars, burn scars, surgical scars, melasma, sun damage, stretch marks, sagging skin, large pores, hair loss and many more.


Microneedling Treatment Process

In the skin microneedling regeneration & repair process, a microneedling pen creates small channels that enable the absorption of nutrients into the deeper layers of the skin. The procedure takes 45 minutes to 1 hour depending on the size of the area to be treated. The skin will repair and generate new collagen, elastin, and glycosaminoglycans (skin hydration) such as hyaluronic acid. This skin microneedling process makes the skin look brighter, more hydrated, smoother and helps to treat pigmentation and acne scars.


Microneedling is our most popular treatment for acne. Acne scars may last from months to years and still may not be fully treated with topical treatments and serums. It is a new, cost-effective, simple, and result-oriented method. In our Mayfair, London clinic, patients have seen immediate effects on the skin with microneedling treatment.


For the Best Outcome:

You will see results after just one treatment. But for best results, we usually recommend a minimum of 3 treatments. You can try microneedling in combination with PRP aka Dracula Skin Therapy, for even better results! It is highly recommended to have a complete treatment cycle for the best outcome and smoother glowing skin.



We usually say 24-hour downtime avoiding UV exposure and strenuous exercise. But after 5-7 days you can resume your regular skincare routine, including activities.



Our microneedling treatments can be used to treat hair loss, acne scars or stretch marks. You may experience minor side effects such as acne breakouts, skin redness, bruising, or inflammation. These side effects can be last for a few days. To avoid such effects after microneedling, avoid direct sun exposure, exfoliants, and alcohol-based skin products.

Skin and hair microneedling is a completely safe method. It helps the hair follicles regenerate & repair itself. When used on the skin, it creates a smooth soft skin texture and gives skin a glow.

It is also effective at treating various types of scarring and is safe for all skin types, from light to dark.

This treatment can be done anywhere on the skin on the body such as the face, neck and particularly those that have stretch marks on areas like the legs, chest, or buttocks.

The treatment is usually painless with the use of a topical anesthetic cream, which can be applied to the area prior to treatment for optimal patient comfort.

It is recommended for most patients to receive a series of 3-4 treatments spaced about 6-8 weeks apart. For patients with deep wrinkles, advanced photo-aging, stretch marks or acne scars it is recommended to receive 6-8 sessions at 6-week intervals. For hair loss, it is recommended to have at least 4-6 treatments, in the initial phase.


Who’s it for?

Anyone with acne/ oil prone skin!


Laser, skin rejuvenation, advanced facials

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